Train Your Brain
Achieve the impossible & unlock the magic of your mind
Why Train Your Brain?
In the Age of Anxiety, mental health programming is crucial to combat negative self-talk. While traveling the country performing comedy hypnosis shows, students and working professionals alike consistently tell me how anxious they are; they rarely understand why their anxiety is so overwhelming & lack the tools to cope with it.
I myself lacked the tools to treat my anxiety and trauma until becoming certified as a Consulting Hypnotist. But I believe no one should have to train as a hypnotist just to understand their subconscious and undo habits of unhappiness.
I created TRAIN YOUR BRAIN as an answer to this problem—bringing mental health fitness programming to students suffering with anxiety (especially around exam time), chronic stress, depression, loss, and general PTSD. It’s fun, fascinating, interactive, and an incredibly healing experience for all. By design, attendees will leave feeling very relaxed and inspired by the untapped powers of their subconscious.
The Program
An interactive workshop where you will learn the basics of how your mind works, the mechanisms behind anxiety, and using those same mechanisms to overcome it. You will also get to try some hypnotic tests and see hypnosis in action.
A relaxing and healing group hypnosis session where you will be guided to a deep state of trance connecting you with your true self, enhancing your well-being, and achieving your goals. The session can be tailored to your group’s specific needs and interests.
A friendly and informative discussion where you will have the opportunity to ask questions, share your insights, and learn how to create your own self-hypnosis scripts. You will discover how to self-hypnotize anytime and anywhere to improve your life.